Supplementary Materials Appendix EMBJ-35-2468-s001. elongation aspect Tu (EF\Tu), respectively (Monaghan & Zipfel, 2012). The notion of ligands by FLS2 or EFR induces their association using the coreceptor RLK BAK1 (Chinchilla PBL1perform not influence FLS2/EFR\mediated MAPK activation (Feng mutation (Suarez\Rodriguez homolog of OsRLCK185 (Shinya mutation decreases chitin\induced MAPK activation. These outcomes recommended that OsRLCK185/OsRLCK176 and PBL27… Continue reading Supplementary Materials Appendix EMBJ-35-2468-s001. elongation aspect Tu (EF\Tu), respectively (Monaghan &